
Ritika Prasad


4th Year Neuroscience Major

Why did you decide to join InterAxon?

From the very beginning of my freshman year, I knew InterAxon was a community I wanted to be a part of. I’ve always enjoyed teaching, art, and exploring neuroscience topics, and InterAxon was the perfect combination of all of it! Everyone in InterAxon has always been extremely welcoming and supportive, and being part of an organization filled with such dedicated and talented individuals that constantly look to help others is something I truly cherish.

If you could give your freshman self any advice, what would it be?

Trust your gut & prioritize yourself! If you have a strong feeling about something, follow your heart and don’t hesitate to pursue what you think is best for you, even if it’s not what you initially had planned for yourself. You learn a lot about what you want out of life during your undergraduate years and as you do, don’t forget to prioritize your happiness, the rest will fall into place!

Adam Akel


3rd Year Neuroscience Major

Why did you decide to join InterAxon?

I joined InterAxon after hearing classmates talk about the club and the super cool events! I got super excited to go to events and since then my love for InterAxon has only grown.

If you could give your freshman self any advice, what would it be?

Join InterAxon immediately! And a big thing is to always make sure you really enjoy things that you’re dedicating your time too (trust me, InterAxon will be one of those things of course!)

Gabby Malte

Vice President

3rd Year Neuroscience Major

Why did you decide to join InterAxon?

I decided to join InterAxon because I wanted to be able to share my passion for neuroscience with younger students, especially those who may not have access to resources that would allow them to learn about this field of study.

If you could give your freshman self any advice, what would it be?

One piece of advice I would give to my freshman self is to devote more time to forming and maintaining relationship with friends. School can be difficult, especially at UCLA, but having a strong support system of friends will help you get through challenges and can provide a relaxing break after a long day of studying or exams.

Nicole Oliva

Publicity and Outreach Director

3rd Year Psychobiology Major, Global Health Minor

Why did you decide to join InterAxon?

InterAxon was actually the first club I was interested in even before starting my first year of college. Joining this organization has provided me with the perfect opportunity to combine my passions for science and inspiring students from underserved communities. I am a sole believer in the fact that students, especially those from disadvantaged areas, need proper guidance and an encouraging role model in order to reach their goals; by being a part of InterAxon, I have witnessed firsthand how we are able to have an impact in the lives of these students and further foster their excitement towards different fields in STEM.

If you could give your freshman self any advice, what would it be?

You are worth so much more than you think you are! There will be times when you think you’re not good enough but I promise you are. So try to stop looking to others to find your worth. Learn to love who you are and let that be enough.

Harshi Kellampalli

Finance Director

3rd Year Neuroscience Major, Global Health Minor

Why did you decide to join InterAxon?

I decided to join InterAxon because I love the sense of community that it brought as soon as I walked into the first meeting my freshman year. The club itself and the mission to cater to underserved school and teach students was already an incredible opportunity to do what I love and give to communities who don’t have access to stem education. However, InterAxon was an incredible space to not only do that but to meeting so many amazing people and be a part of a small family within the large UCLA campus that I was so scared I wouldn’t find as a freshman. Interacting with students during our presentations or members during our meetings is such a joy in my life and I am so glad to have found an organization that has given so much for me to grow and I hope I can do the same back

If you could give your freshman self any advice, what would it be?

I would tell my freshman self that in the end all the things I stressed about and worried about at the time was so little in the large scale of things and that we achieved all that we ever dreamed of and more. I would tell myself that instead of worrying I should enjoy all the moments that UCLA has to offer because it will be gone in the blink of an eye and those moments I will look back on a lot more than I thought as some of the highlights of my years here so far.

Julian Fiore


2nd Year Neuroscience Major, Gerontology Minor

Why did you decide to join InterAxon?

I decided to join InterAxon because I wanted to get involved at UCLA, learn more about neuroscience, and give back to the community! Having worked with younger students in the past, I thought this organization would be a great way to continue to serve the communities I am a part of. The best part is, upon joining, I learned that InterAxon met all of my expectations and more: I was able to find a sense of community and have met so many truly amazing people.

If you could give your freshman self any advice, what would it be?

Definitely do not be afraid to put yourself out there. Also don’t care about what other people are doing, they’re (probably) much more human than you think. Do things at your own pace and your own way (easier said than done)!

Aliya van Aardenne

Head Project Director

4th Year Neuroscience Major, Applied Developmental Psychology (ADP) Minor

Why did you decide to join InterAxon?

I joined InterAxon in my freshman year while we were fully virtual. It perfectly combines my interest in neuroscience and working with children. InterAxon became my home very quickly, and I’ve stuck with it ever since!

If you could give your freshman self any advice, what would it be?

I would tell my freshman self to participate in anything I am interested in and really live in the moment! Everyone told me that time flies in college, and they were right. The best thing to do is stay involved in what you’re interested in and not get wrapped up in what you’re “supposed” to do. Enjoy the college experience while it lasts!

Hanna Boughanem

Project Director

2nd Year Neuroscience Major

Why did you decide to join InterAxon?

I love any opportunity to work with kids, especially in a fun, educational setting. It’s super rewarding to help foster a curiosity and interest in STEM, and particularly in the brain. When I found out about InterAxon my freshman year, I knew it was exactly the club for me! The club’s commitment to service and community outreach really made it stand out to me, and I’m forever grateful to be part of such an amazing community!

If you could give your freshman self any advice, what would it be?

Pursue anything and everything you’re interested in! This school is full of opportunities, so don’t be afraid to try out a little bit of everything. As a general rule of thumb, if it piques your interest, sign up! At the same time, make sure to set aside time for yourself. Rest and relaxation are just as valuable as any academic or extracurricular activity.

Yubin Lee

Project Director

2nd Year Cognitive Science Major

Why did you decide to join InterAxon?*

I decided to join InterAxon because I loved the idea of going to schools to teach kids about science topics. After joining, I realized how welcoming and amazing the InterAxon community is, and knew I wanted to be a part of it throughout my time at UCLA!

If you could give your freshman self any advice, what would it be?

Don’t stress out and overwork yourself too much! Things will work out the way they are meant to be, and it’s better not to burn yourself out in the process.

Lauren Wall

Project Director

2nd Year Neuroscience Major

Why did you decide to join InterAxon?*

I have a passion for neuroscience and teaching, so InterAxon was the perfect club for me! I think presenting fun neuroscience topics to K-12 students in an engaging way is super important to boost their interest in STEM and make learning more fun. I love expressing my creative side through all the different committees and I’m satisfied knowing my hard work will go directly to these students. And of course, the best part of InterAxon is all the amazing and supportive friends I’ve made along the way!

If you could give your freshman self any advice, what would it be?

Do something you’re passionate about! Whether it’s a specific club, research, or class you like, it helps to have something to look forward to during the week. UCLA is massive, which means that there’s always an opportunity to try something new or find people who share your interests. College should be fun – don’t forget to enjoy it.

Interested in joining board next year? Make sure you get at least one quarter of active membership!

InterAxon is a student group that was founded in 2006 by an undergraduate student, Shanna Fang, right after she took one of the first Project Brainstorm as part of the undergraduate neuroscience program.