Gabby Malte
4th Year Neuroscience Major
What is your favorite part of InterAxon?
The people! I love the community in the organization and have met some of my closest friends at general meetings and events!
If you could give your younger self any advice, what would it be?
Take risks and try new things! Some of the most amazing experiences I’ve had have come from entering unfamiliar situations.
What is a fun fact about you!
I’m a big fan of early mornings! Don’t be surprised if I respond to your messages at 5am!

Harshi Kellampalli
4th Year Neuroscience Major & Global Health Minor
What is your favorite part of InterAxon?
I love the community in InterAxon and have met some of my best friends through the club! My favorite presentation is Synesthesia – the kids love it!
If you could give your younger self any advice, what would it be?
It’s important to remember that people can only meet you as far as they have met themselves.
What is a fun fact about you!
This is not fun: I have a diet coke and sour candy addiction.

Julian Fiore
Vice President
3rd Year MIMG Major & Gerontology Minor
What is your favorite part of InterAxon?
I absolutely love the Magic and the Brain presentation!
If you could give your younger self any advice, what would it be?
Happiness isn’t something you can schedule for later on in your life. Once it’s delayed, that happiness is gone. Don’t sacrifice things that make you happy for things you think eventually could!
What is a fun fact about you!
I am obsessed with prairie dogs.

Hanna Boughanem
Publicity and Outreach Director
3rd Year Human Biology and Society Major
What is your favorite part of InterAxon?
I love any opportunity to work with kids, especially in a fun, educational setting. It’s super rewarding to help foster a curiosity and interest in STEM, and particularly in the brain. I love getting to introduce kids to the incredible world of science!
If you could give your younger self any advice, what would it be?
Pursue anything and everything you’re interested in! As a general rule of thumb, if it piques your interest, sign up! At the same time, make sure to set aside time for yourself. Rest and relaxation are just as valuable as any academic or extracurricular activity.
What is a fun fact about you!
I am an expert speed-walker.

Emily Sobel
Finance Director
3rd Year Physiological Science Major
What is your favorite part of InterAxon?
Seeing the engagement and excitement of the students we present to! Especially for the younger students, this is their first introduction into the subject of neuroscience and it is so special to be a part of that!
If you could give your younger self any advice, what would it be?
Whenever you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed, just take a five minute walk. Come back and reassess after you have had a moment to clear your head!
What is a fun fact about you!
I’ve never broken a bone but I’ve torn my ACL twice!

Yubin Lee
3rd Year Cognitive Science Major & Bioinformatics Minor
What is your favorite part of InterAxon?
The people of course! On a more serious note, my favorite part of InterAxon is the presentations, especially the Senses poster – the kids love the candy and it’s so cute.
If you could give your younger self any advice, what would it be?
Enjoy the little moments and be as present as possible! There’s no need to stress about things that won’t matter in 5 years, and everything will work out the way it should in the end.
What is a fun fact about you!
I was born in South Korea and moved here when I was 4!

Lauren Wall
Head Project Director
3rd Year Neuroscience Major
What is your favorite part of InterAxon?
Working with the kids! Just when I think I’m prepared, they always ask the most out-of-the-box questions that are fun to answer!
If you could give your younger self any advice, what would it be?
Get off campus and explore Westwood! The Getty and Hammer art museums, delicious Sawtelle restaurants, and Griffith observatory are all accessible by bus!
What is a fun fact about you!
I research mice models of autism and co-lead the Bruin Neurodiversity Collective for UCLA students!

Olivia Fong
Project Director
3rd Year Neuroscience Major & Biomedical Research Minor
What is your favorite part of InterAxon?
Everyone in InterAxon is objectively the coolest ever! In terms of presentations, I love the Neurons poster and content!
If you could give your younger self any advice, what would it be?
Don’t be afraid to pursue opportunities that seem overwhelming! I promise it’s worth it in the end!
What is a fun fact about you!
I used to work at In-N-Out, ask me about all my horror stories!

Joan Thyagarajan
Project Director
3rd Year Neuroscience Major
What is your favorite part of InterAxon?
I really enjoy the community InterAxon gave me, especially within the neuroscience major!
If you could give your younger self any advice, what would it be?
Pursue happiness!
What is a fun fact about you!
I used to live in canada!

Elena Kong
Project Director
2nd Year Neuroscience Major
What is your favorite part of InterAxon?
My favorite part of InterAxon is our awesome board! I also love our socials, as well as our Music and the Brain presentation!
If you could give your younger self any advice, what would it be?
Don’t be afraid to try new things and don’t get caught up in being afraid to look silly! Sometimes being silly is what people around you need.
What is a fun fact about you!
I backpacked in New Zealand!
Interested in joining board next year? Make sure you get at least one quarter of active membership!